A Trainer Turned Professional Writer

Once upon a time, in a galaxy not so far away, I was a certified personal trainer. I amassed more than 4,000 hours of hands-on experience working with a variety of populations, and I still very much enjoy putting that expertise to work in a quest to make healthy lifestyles accessible and relatable for everybody.

Click the images for examples of my published fitness writing:

Tone Away From Home: strategies and equipment for keeping fit on the road (Breathe magazine)
Power Your Health: staying on track with fitness trackers and other gadgets (61 Degrees North)
Set Yourself Up for Fitness: essential home gym equipment for every budget (Breathe magazine)
Exercises to Increase Hip Extensor Strength (Livestrong.com)
5 Ways to Attract (and Retain) Good Trainers (Precor.com)
Ditch the Gym Every Day of the Week: Seven days of outdoor workouts (SheKnows.com)