Remarkable Stories Deserve to Be Told

The reporting and profiles you see on this page are a direct result of the boots-on-the-ground journalism education I received from a succession of fine newspaper editors. Or, to put it more lightly, I am sometimes paid to meet new people and ask nosey questions.

Click the images for examples of my published reporting and profiles:

Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake Rocks Anchorage: reporting the chaotic results of a natural disaster (Wall Street Journal)
Conquering an Invisible Obstacle: a feature profile on the importance of equitable language access, and one Alaska nonprofit that strives to provide that access (Anchorage Press)
Alaska Has a Moose Roadkill Problem: yes, I’m sorry to say, that is indeed a “thing” (Outside Online)
These Alaska Dogs Will Sniff You Out: reporting on the training and operations of the all-volunteer Alaska Search and Rescue Dogs (Alaska Dispatch News)
The Love of High Places: a feature profile of the only Alaskan-owned climbing concession in Denali (Anchorage Press)
Traps and Snares Injure, Kill Off-Leash Pets: a level-headed look at a highly contentious issue (Alaska Dispatch News)