Front Page

cover image of hiking guidebook "Day Hiking Southcentral Alaska" by Lisa Maloney

“Day Hiking Southcentral Alaska” now available for preorder!

Hooray! I am thrilled to announce that my new hiking guidebook, “Day Hiking Southcentral Alaska” from Mountaineers Books, is now available for preorder. It includes one hundred hikes, spanning all the way from the northern Mat-Su Valley down to the southern end of the Kenai Peninsula. The release date is April 1, but the printer […]

“Day Hiking Southcentral Alaska” now available for preorder! Read More »

“Moon Alaska” wins Silver Award from North American Travel Journalists Association

I’m a little late to my own party here, but I had to take a (short) step back in time and share that in 2018 my travel guidebook, “Moon Alaska,” won a Silver Award in its category from the North American Travel Journalists Association. That means it placed second in the nation — not too

“Moon Alaska” wins Silver Award from North American Travel Journalists Association Read More »